Video games are a great escape from the harsh reality we live in, however they can harshly affect your life. The fast paced and exciting world of video games can cause men to neglect themselves. Women understand that video games have really interesting content, but how long do you spend playing video games? If you are spending hours with a controller in your hand and you are wondering why you have a problem accomplishing your goals, then chances are you have a video game addiction.
Studies have shown women being more proactive in job searches after college than men. Young men who are unemployed and struggling have been known to play video games in order to feel some reward and accomplishment in their lives. Games, in general, have the ability to make people feel good by giving that person a challenging task and allowing them to move forward and test their skill. However, it appears that more men are getting involved in the video game world instead of their reality. The real world may appear more challenging than the video game world but the reward is far greater.
How can we change this? Well, quite simply by putting the controller down. Seeking entertainment and thrill isn’t the problem, but letting it consume your life is. Allowing yourself to recognize other joys in the world is important. Allowing yourself to experience a busy workplace or completing a difficult task in real life is important. Working hard to complete your goals will give you similar thrills and it will help to improve your life on a greater scale. People want to feel accomplishment and success but one must put their self out there in order to succeed.
Life isn’t always exciting but it’s your life. Sometimes it’s nice to have quiet moments to appreciate the little things in life. Allow yourself to step away from the computer or television screen and notice little things. How it actually feels to drive a car or actually walk somewhere. When you stop being a couch potato and a video game addict you may start to notice the real pleasures in life and not just fabricated versions on a screen. The world and your life are just within your grasp.
Unfortunately, you can not marry the princess you saved on level 50 but you can talk to the pretty girl at the coffee shop or the bookstore and go out with her. The best part is the pretty girl will be someone real you can touch with an actual personality, not a sexualized figure that always requires help. Life has dimensions and depth so experience your reality and watch yourself succeed!