As everyone gets older there some things you just need to stop giving a shit about. You waste your time and energy thinking about problems that won’t matter in a year. So here is a list of things grown-ass men need to stop giving a fuck about:
1. Jealousy
Who the fuck cares what your ex is doing? How the fuck cares how much money that guy is making? Being jealous is a waste of time and it lowers your energy levels. You start to feel like shit and you don’t want to accomplish anything after. Don’t do that to yourself! Appreciate what you have and who gives a fuck what others are doing.
2. Social Media
Again, don’t waste your time looking at the people that “unfriend” you or make rude comments. Social media was initially used as a form of entertainment so enjoy it. Ignore the haters and just live your life and share whatever you want to share.
3. Other People’s Opinions
Don’t be a people pleaser. You can’t please everyone, so don’t try.
4. Mistakes and Missed Opportunities
There is no point in giving a fuck about things you could’ve done because you can’t change shit. You should live your life with no regrets and just look forward to the future. Learn from your mistakes in the past and don’t spend another fucking second thinking about it.
5. Fitting in
Why do you want to be like everyone else? Be yourself and screw fitting in.
6. Attachments to Material Things
Why do people care so much about having the latest iPhone or the coolest car? Do you want to know why? People are obsessed with being better than everyone else and they are too insecure to admit that they just want to be accepted at the end of the day. Guess what? Material goods are not going to improve your life or circumstances. You know what will? Hard work and determination. The only attachment you should have is to food because you need it to survive. Food is great!
7. The Perfect Body
Speaking of food, why are people so determined not to eat so their bodies can look like someone else’s body? NO ONE IS PERFECT! Everyone has body issues but you need to accept yourself and stop giving a fuck about having that perfect body shown in magazines. By all means you should be healthy and work out but it should not consume your life and harm you.
8. Unhealthy Competition
Sportsmanship is sexy. When women see men work together and have friendly competition there is something sexy about it. Men enjoy competition and it allows them to show off their skills, however it should never get out of hand. There is no need to have competition constantly and men should never throw a tantrum for losing. Show some fucking class when you do lose and don’t feel it is a punch to your masculinity. You know what is, crying like a baby about losing.
9. Controlling What You Can’t Control
Stop giving a fuck about things you can not change. You can not make traffic move faster. You can not change the score of a game. You can not change people. You can not change the weather. You CAN change the way you deal with your life and your everyday situations. So stop wasting time on caring about things you have no control over and just enjoy your life as it is.